CBT is a long-standing evidence-based therapeutic approach, that works best when provided by a trained therapist.
What you think about, affects what you feel, which affects what you think about. As you work with your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors you begin to realize who you are, how you react, how you respond, and where you need to develop skills and tools!
Sometimes, CBT can be done through self-help books but more often than not - an objective, a professional therapist can support you in identifying your blind spots and developing skills and tools.
Our 2 step approach is unique - and it works!
Part 1 - Intake
The intake and assessment process is an online meeting to understand what your personal goals are and where you get uniquely "stuck" or looping.
This assessment may include diagnostic tools to support the exploration of the cause and what you would need.
The assessment is complimentary.

Part 2 - Getting to work
After your initial assessment, you will be invited to either individual, group sessions, or both.
Individual counselling and psychotherapy sessions will be private.
Group sessions are provided by Farah Kurji and there are 2 options for you to select from:
1. Self-led
Self-led groups are at your own pace; learning is individual and on your own time - monthly meetings are held online to provide real-life discussion and implementation.
Participants are provided with 4 individual mini-sessions to ensure material is being grasped and to provide clinical and skills support.
2. Group Fasciliated
The 7-week consecutive group is perfect for individuals who can commit 7 weeks in a row to attend online sessions to develop the same skills in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Participants are provided one mini session to ensure they are grasping materials and maintaining growth and mood.
What To Expect:
"After all this time.
After all the effort.
After all the pain.
After all the attempts.
I am finally making progress."
"Something is shifting, it's shifting for good. For confidence. I have hope again."
"The days of being frantic seem so far away. I don't even know how I survived like that. I love this. I love feeling calm. Steady. Grounded. Thank you."
"I am a much calmer and grounded person after having taken this course and working with Farah".
"The material is nicely organized and easy to understand so I could focus on meeting my growth goals"
"I feel like I'm finally doing something and making progress, Farah's grounded approach and skills shine through in this program"
Hi, I'm Farah Kurji and the creator of CBT - Authentically You and Graceful Boundaries.
I created these courses after years of seeing my clients and contemporaries struggle with making sense of their own thoughts and subsequently, the boundaries, or lack thereof, they've set in their lives.
These practices are so important to living a truly fulfilled life and once you understand how to implement them, you will see a shift in your life toward peace.
The tools are effective but more importantly I'll be right there to help you implement them!