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Mountain View

Faith Based Counselling

Faith-based counseling, whether it's Muslim Counselling or Christian Counselling means that we hold a space that not only provides professional counselling but also allows you to explore and develop your identity as a Muslim or a Christian while exploring dynamics of your life.


We do not "preach" to your or try to change your religion. In fact, we encourage you to explore how your relationship with being a Muslim or a Christian can be a source of answer, support, encouragement and even more questioning in your life.


It is in our times of crisis, loss, stagnation, and confusion that your faith can grow. Whether that's answering your existential ponderances, developing a deeper understanding of what values guide you or resolving past religious traumas that prevent you from having a deeper understanding of Islam or Christianity.


Feeling grounded in your Islamic or Christain faith can help you in making decisions, feeling supported and able to grow and develop in your intimacy with your faith, your self and in the relationships around you!


Our team will provide counselling for Muslims and Christians in a way that allows you to guide us in your comfort level with your faith.


Your spot of "how" Muslim or Christian you are! 


We will never coerce or try to establish a faith but instead will walk with you through counselling while incorporating faith where appropriate.


If you have questions please reach out and book your complimentary meet and greet here!

Faith Based Counselling


You define what that is!


Exploring the intersection between who you are, the influence of society and the foundations of faith is important when resolving "stuck points"


Our practice supports both Muslims with Islamic Counselling and Christians with Christian Counselling.


We focus on how YOU define your faith and spirituality which is the foundation of our faith based counselors.

Faith-based counselling, whether it's Muslim Counselling or Christian Counselling means that we hold a space that not only provides professional counselling but also allows you to explore and develop your identity as a Muslim or a Christian while exploring the dynamics of your life. We are non-judgemental and allow you to establish how much of your faith will interweave into your sessions.


We do not "preach" to you or try to change your religion.


In fact, we encourage you to explore how your relationship with identifying as a Muslim or a Christian can be a source of answer, support, encouragement and even more questioning in your life. To explore your relationship and the meaning of God and your own personal faith.


We understand that there are times when your faith is challenged. There are are times when your relationship with God may be in the "winter" season. 


We get it!


It is in our times of crisis, loss, stagnation, and confusion that your faith can grow. Whether that's answering your existential preponderances, developing a deeper understanding of what values guide you or resolving past religious traumas that prevent you from having a deeper understanding of Islam or Christianity.


Feeling grounded in your Islamic or Christian faith can help you in making decisions, feeling supported and able to grow and develop in your intimacy with your faith, your self and in the relationships around you!


Our team will provide counselling for Muslims and Christians in a way that allows you to guide us in your comfort level with your faith.


Your spot of "how" Muslim or Christian you are! 


We will never coerce or try to establish a faith but instead will walk with you through counselling while incorporating faith where appropriate.


If you have questions please reach out and book your complimentary meet and greet here!

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If you feel you are in distress or need an immediate response please attend at your local hospital

Serving Alberta & Ontario




"We acknowledge that the land on which we gather today is the traditional territory of [Indigenous Nation(s)] who have lived here for generations. We recognize their enduring connection to this land, and we honor their history, culture, and contributions. We pay respect to the Elders past, present, and emerging. We commit to learning from their wisdom and working towards reconciliation, recognizing that the effects of colonization are still felt today."




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